In life you very rarely get a second chance to repeat a day or an exam etc. If I were to pick one of these days it would be the picture day in grade five. This was the WORST picture that had been taken of me on any occasion. It was embarrassing to look at after wards.
If I were to repeat this day, I would’ve written in my agenda the day before “Picture Day Tomorrow”. Yes, I admit it, I forgot that it was picture day and it was pathetic. Thats would have been the simplest way to make it a special school photograph.
I never took the time to make my hair look nice, and I wish I could have. That day I had a messy half pony tail, I would have done my hair in curls. I also might have straightened my tie and did the top button up on my collar.
From that bad experience I learned a lesson that will help me through everything. Use your agenda because it can REALLY help you, also to remember when your picture days are!!!
Perhaps too embarassing but it would have added so much to this post if you included the infamous picture that haunts you still! One of those moments in life where the only thing left to do is sit back and laugh at yourself;)