Thursday, October 15, 2009

Doing the Impossible

“It’s kind of fun to do the impossible”
Walt Disney

Our class had to choose a quote and write about what we thought it meant. I think that this quote means to try and do things that you might not do on a regular basis, doing things that might be out of your comfort zone. This is a good way to balance you r life because if you stick to doing the same things over and over again in your life, well, it would just get way to boring.
What most people do every day, a lot of people will never get to do. This would be referred to as literally impossible. For example, walking, a lot of people can’t walk and we take it for granted. If we do things that we might consider impossible then that would inspire more people to do this too. If we all did one thing a year that we might consider impossible, we would make our comfort zone a little bigger each time. It is not like you have to do this, but it would make a lot of people more comfortable doing things.
This quote makes me think about all of those people who are climbing mountains and travelling across the world. They are doing all of these wonderful things that might have been a little difficult to think about doing before they began. I want to do these things now to that so many people have done them. A lot of times in magazines or newspapers I read about millions of people that are going to climb a mountain or bike across Canada. It just amazes me how many people are actually doing “the impossible”.
Think about this, how many things do you want to do per year that are out of your comfort zone? How many of these do you think you will actually do?

Doing the impossible

“It’s kind of fun to do the impossible”
Walt Disney (1901-1996)

Our class had to choose a quote and write about what we thought it meant. I think that this quote means to try and do things that you might not do on a regular basis, doing things that might be out of your comfort zone. This is a good way to balance you r life because if you stick to doing the same things over and over again in your life, well, it would just get way to boring.
What most people do every day, a lot of people will never get to do. This would be referred to as literally impossible. For example, walking, a lot of people can’t walk and we take it for granted. If we do things that we might consider impossible then that would inspire more people to do this too. If we all did one thing a year that we might consider impossible, we would make our comfort zone a little bigger each time. It is not like you have to do this, but it would make a lot of people more comfortable doing things.
This quote makes me think about all of those people who are climbing mountains and travelling across the world. They are doing all of these wonderful things that might have been a little difficult to think about doing before they began. I want to do these things now to that so many people have done them. A lot of times in magazines or newspapers I read about millions of people that are going to climb a mountain or bike across Canada. It just amazes me how many people are actually doing “the impossible”.
Think about this, how many things do you want to do per year that are out of your comfort zone? How many of these do you think you will actually do?


Hey, I think that poverty is one thing that the government isn’t doing enough to solve. They are spending all the money that Canada sends to them from taxes on a stimulus package or something like that.Instead of wasting those billions of dollars on something that isn’t that important, why don’t they spend it on people in poverty because poverty is something that has been going on for such a long time and it’s like no one even notices or thinks about those poor people that can’t feed there kids or that people that have lost their job because of the state of the economy.
These people deserve to have jobs and they certainly deserve to have food to. In one of our language arts classes we read some of these poverty stories and it really changed how I think about poverty. I used to think that poverty was a homeless person that sleeps in a cardboard box on the side of the street in Toronto.
I have now realized that poverty can occur in many different ways. The media makes these people feel sorry for them when really the media should just leave these people alone! They are already in a lot of trouble. They don’t need people making them feel worse!All we need to do is just think a little more about trying to do something about this worldwide problem. It just starts with one little thing and that can trigger more people to do good things.