Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hitler's Mark on the Olympics

The Olympic flame is lighted for every Olympics. How come it wasn’t lighted in Athens where the myth began for the very first time? It wasn’t lighted in Athens, more like Berlin in 1936 for the Nazi propaganda. The mind behind this Olympic spirit is the one the only Adolf Hitler.
“Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.” Those are the cruel words of the man that invented the Olympic flame and the five interlocking rings. Both two of the well known symbols for the Olympics and yet they began with one of the most hated people in all of our history. Why?

Hitler told his director to go to Delphi, Greece and carve the five interlocking rings into the ancient stone altar. He did this to make people think that the ancients had carved it there. That is how low he will go to make his mark on History. The fact is, that now, everyone knows what he did, people have discovered his lies.
If we were real Canadians, and remembered how many people were killed in world war two, the Olympic flame wouldn’t be traveling across our great country. Although, most people don’t know that the Olympic flame and the five interlocking rings had anything to do with Hitler. That is why I chose to write my blog on this, to raise awareness about it. Hitler was a Nazi, in world war two, many people died. He made the Olympic flame and the five interlocking rings FOR the German Propaganda, why are we following a Nazi tradition?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


“As freedom-loving people across the globe hope for an end to tyranny, we will never forget the enormous suffering of the Holocaust.” Bob Beauprez.

The Holocaust was a major role in our world history, and the students at our school were fortunate enough to have Eva Olsson (Holocaust Survivor) speak to us about her miraculous life experiences.

The part that impacted me the most was that how cruel the Nazi bullies were to people with a different religion, even more that they did no crime. They just lived their lives like anyone else and then get shipped away in box carts to a factory. What struck in my mind also were the bystanders. They just watched as these poor innocent people boarded the train that would lead most of them to their death.

When Eva spoke about losing her mother, I was almost in tears. Her and her mother and sisters were in a line up and some people went to the right and some went to the left. Eva’s mom went one way and Eva went the other way. I can’t imagine how hard that must have been for her dealing with that at such a young age and also having to try and stay alive to take care of her younger sister. From that I have learned that my family will always know that I love them.

I honestly couldn’t think of any questions to ask her. For me, her presentation told it all, she explained everything in such detail and it all made perfect sense. I would think of a question nearer to the start, but it would always get answered later in her presentation.

There are so many ways that I could use what she said in her presentation in my daily life. Some examples are never saying hate, don’t be a bystander, and to persevere and to stay confident. Eva did each and every one of these things when she was a prisoner to the concentration camp. These examples are so simple and easy to follow and it would life a happier and safer place to be.

The most important lesson that I learned in her presentation was not to be a bystander. I think this because being a bystander is just as bad as being the bully. If you are a bystander, you must leave that behind and stand up to what you think is right and what you believe in. The hardest lesson for me to learn will be to never say hate. Most of the time, I don’t even realize when I say hate, that’s because I’ve never thought of that as a bad word. After Eva’s presentation, I understand why it isn’t the nicest way to say about someone or something.

Overall, I would, love to go and read Eva’s books and it would be awesome if I could go and she her speech at another location. Her story really motivated me to do what is right and stand up for things that are wrong.

A M.S. TEAM DAY Middle School team building day our grade eight classes came together and worked as a team. I had no idea that we could all work together and become more than just two grade eight classes we became a community of friends. This really boosted everyone’s spirits and I know for sure that our whole Middle School had a great time.

When we first arrived at Norval the grade eights gathered together and we did the piggy in the blanket toss. This was a great experience for me and the majority of the grade eight classes. The exercise goes as follows. There is a large circular sheet of cloth. A person lies in the center, and they cross their arms across their chest and straighten their legs. Then the people that are holding the edges, together lift the person with the cloth off the ground and someone counts to three. On three everyone pulls back on the cloth and the person in the center goes flying. I thought that our team did well on this exercise because I felt very safe. It took every single person to make this a fun and unthreatened experience.

I learned that to be a leader you have to listen to what your other team members have to say. Most people think that one person is the leader, but it takes many people to stand up and say their opinions, this is what being a leader is truly about. I learned this from Norval because we were a team, we had to complete that challenges as a team. Everyone had to listen to everyone’s opinion because there are many ways to solve the problem at hand.

At Norval our team had to complete many very difficult challenges and it wasn’t possible to complete them without everyone working together. Achieving a goal is more than just doing it; it’s about working together as a body to do something as a whole.

I thought that this day was very productive and I really enjoyed myself. I think that we should do this trip every year because it builds the middle school to become a whole instead of individuals. We still are individuals but we are the SJK middle school and we have to represent the school with pride.

THE BEAR MAN! are many small things in our world that we have to think about. This is so important because once you are gone you will wish that you had. People these days only care about the big things like buying a new car or a house. There are so many things in our world that people don’t care to think or even look at. I am going to share an experience of mine with you about a small thing that I noticed one time.

When I was at my cottage one time with my family, we heard about this man that feeds bears and so we decided to take a trip over there to see him. I was really nervous because I had never seen a bear before standing right beside me. When we arrived there I saw the first bear standing on a woodpile. I screamed and as we entered his driveway… there were more. I was so scared that I thought I was going to get eaten by one of them because I was making so much commotion.

That stuck with me for a long time and it just reminded me how exciting my life is when I just think about those small things like screaming at something not scary or crying when your fish dies. This makes our lives much more happy and worthwhile and when I pass on, I know that I will have lived my life well.